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Father Nature Land­scapes, one of our Cor­po­rate Part­ners for Con­ser­va­tion, recently revis­ited Turkey Creek for the final round of plant­i­ngs on the newly formed stream­bank fol­low­ing our removal of Old Shadow Lake Dam.

Daniel McCurry and his crew at Father Nature have worked tire­lessly on this dif­fi­cult project, and will have planted nearly 100 native plants and trees along the newly estab­lished stream­bank. Although this restora­tion has been chal­leng­ing at times, Daniel has shown his exper­tise and been a huge help in our efforts to revi­tal­ize Turkey Creek. Thank you Father Nature Land­scapes for being an out­stand­ing part­ner not just in our dam removal work, but in all our con­ser­va­tion projects.

This year, we look for­ward to con­tin­u­ing our restora­tion work at the Turkey Creek dam removal site, one of our most suc­cess­ful projects to date, which opened up an addi­tional half mile of habi­tat for the endan­gered ver­mil­ion darter – a fish that before this project only had about seven miles of habi­tat in the world.


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